Women's Bible Study
(Call 616-453-4400 for scheduling information)
Women’s Bible study provides an opportunity for women of all ages to join together to study God's word, pray, and fellowship.
Monday Evenings - 7:00-8:15 pm
Child care is not provided for the evening group.
Tuesday mornings - 9:30-11:15 am
Child care is provided at no extra cost.
Spring Session
(Call 616-453-4400 for scheduling information)
Supporting our Missionaries
The missions outreach for Women's Ministries seeks to encourage our missionaries through prayer and practical assistance. One missionary is selected to receive a special gift each December at our Women's Christmas Dinner. Throughout the year the women are encouraged to make baby items and collect other needed items to be given to various projects of the Women's Missionary Union.
More Events
For more, please visit the Calendar to see what else is available.